
LCN Sweepers

This is a logo that I designed just over a year ago for a brand new road sweeping company. I wanted the logo to look very clean looking because it was been designed for a sweeping company and they want to come across as been clean and efficient. I also wanted it to look clean because it would eventually be used on the side of the sweeper trucks and various items of stationary etc. The idea behind the logo was to come up with a symbol that represented a brush, kind of like what they have on the side of the sweeper trucks. The symbol that I designed has two meanings, the blue parts are meant to represent the brushes and the white negative space inside that is meant to represent a cyclone because this is what happens inside the tank of a sweeper truck, think of it as a massive cyclonic vacuum. This was a really good project to work on and the client seemed really happy with the finished outcome. I will do a post with images of the vehicle graphics and stationary at a later date.

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