
Underground Poster

This is a poster that I designed for a bit of fun for the company that I work for. It was inspired by a recent trip to London because we were nominated for a prestigious lighting design award, I hope you like it.



This is a poster that I designed for the company that I work for to show the different departments and how they work within our company.


Steve Jobs

This is a poster that I've designed in tribute to Steve Jobs. I've used the image of an iPod touch because I'm a massive fan of music and the iPod has had a massive impact on my life. There isn't a day that goes by where I haven't got my iPod with me, I'm actually listening to it now whilst I'm writing this haha. So this is for you Steve, thank you!

I'm also thinking about getting a limited number screen printed and selling them, I'm going to donate 75% of the money from each print to the NSPCC. So if you would be interested in buying one or if you know anybody that would like one please let me know, It's for such a good cause!


Installation Guide

This is a installation guide that I designed for a product that was designed and is manufactured by the company that I work for, you can check out our website here. I did all of the illustrations in Adobe Illustrator with the pen tool. I hope you like it!


UEFA Champions League Poster

This is a poster that I designed a while back one Sunday afternoon when I was bored. I hope you like it!


Who You Callin' 'Sucka'?

This is an illustration that my good friend and brilliant illustrator Matt did for me, you can check out more of his work here. Matt has come up with his own Henry Hoover character which he then makes it look like a celebrity or a comic book character etc. (I'm guessing you get the idea). I asked Matt if he would design me a 'John Lennon Sucka' because I'm a massive fan of The Beatles and John Lennon. As you can see he did an amazing job, so check out his blog and request a 'Sucka' for yourself.


David Robinson

This is a logo that I designed for a local painter and decorator about two years ago in my final year of University. The logo was actually part of a live brief that our tutor set us, we basically had about two hours to produce a logo, business card and van graphics. The winning design would win £100 and have a nice piece of work to put in their portfolio, luckily my design won so I was absolutely chuffed to bits. The idea behind the logo was to keep it simple but to also make it look classy and professional. I chose to use a serif font for the decorators name because I thought it looked quite classy and I chose a sans serif for the painting and decorating part because I thought it looked clean and professional. I put the blue stroke in there firstly to separate the words and secondly I chose blue because I see it as a safe, clean and reliable colour and lets face it nobody wants a messy and unreliable painter and decorator working for them do they! I thought that this was a very valuable project for us to work on because it kind of gave us a glimpse into the kind of pressures and deadlines that we would be working under after we had graduated. I will post images of the business card and van graphics at a later date when I get some good quality photos of them.