
Steve Jobs

This is a poster that I've designed in tribute to Steve Jobs. I've used the image of an iPod touch because I'm a massive fan of music and the iPod has had a massive impact on my life. There isn't a day that goes by where I haven't got my iPod with me, I'm actually listening to it now whilst I'm writing this haha. So this is for you Steve, thank you!

I'm also thinking about getting a limited number screen printed and selling them, I'm going to donate 75% of the money from each print to the NSPCC. So if you would be interested in buying one or if you know anybody that would like one please let me know, It's for such a good cause!


Installation Guide

This is a installation guide that I designed for a product that was designed and is manufactured by the company that I work for, you can check out our website here. I did all of the illustrations in Adobe Illustrator with the pen tool. I hope you like it!


UEFA Champions League Poster

This is a poster that I designed a while back one Sunday afternoon when I was bored. I hope you like it!